Thursday, December 30, 2004

Ohio Voting Fraud

"In a video interview with Triad staffer Michael Barbian, he confirms that the recount machines were taken completely apart and put back together and reprogrammed with new software without any of the supervision required by Ohio State Law. He also says that he has done the same thing in several other counties."

"On December 23, Conyers learned that Triad Systems had remote access capabilities to the voting machines in numerous counties, prompting him to send a second letter to Rapp and Barbian inquiring about these capabilities and how exactly they were utilized by Triad during the recount."

"Senators Kerry and Edwards are very concerned that the law for conducting the recount should be uniformly followed. Only then can the integrity of the entire electoral process and the election of Bush-Cheney warrant the public trust."

Wonderful. Just freaking wonderful. Four more years of a President who apparently has never actually won an election.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Our President is Seriously Ill

George W. Bush apparently is wearing a medical device for "persons at risk of cardiac arrest." It is a LifeVest wearable defibrillator. He started using it sometime after his January 2002 fainting spell, which was attributed to choking. Based on photos showing him wearing the device, one can conclude the fainting was due to atrial fibrillation (AF), which his father also had. His father's AF was caused by Graves' hyperthyroidism, which his mother also has. Bush likely has AF and less likely Graves', based on his family history and symptoms. The AF may have caused a stroke or TIA (mini-stroke), of which physicians watching the debates detected symptoms. Observers have noted psychological symptoms consistent with this and with Wernicke-Korsakoff disease.

All of this remains speculation, since TPTB all claim George is in great physical shape. Then again, would they tell us that he has the same genetic disease that his mother and father have? Or will they just hope he can make it another four years? Does anyone remember watching Reagan's slide into Alzheimers while he served out his term?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

GPS: George is Probably Satan

President Bush has ordered plans for temporarily disabling the U.S. network of global positioning satellites during a national crisis to prevent terrorists from using the navigational technology, the White House said Wednesday.

If you are dependent upon GPS you better stop now. The EU is working on a system called Galileo -- switch over, as soon as you can.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Cell Phone Turned Car Alarm

This little goodie will turn that unused cell phone into a motion sensor that calls any phone number and leaves an SMS when it's disturbed. With GPS-enabled cell phones it would be possible to track your stolen car.

Moral: Toss all cell phones out the next time you steal a car.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

SpyWare: Combating the New Menace

From a minor annoyance for home-PC users to a major plight on enterprise environments around the world, SpyWare (also known as AdWare, MalWare, ScumWare, and a host of other sordid names) is infecting millions of computers with multiple purposes: stealing personal information, enabling identity theft, tracking users' online activity, and selling the information back to anyone willing to pay. According to new research from IDC, the need to identify and eradicate these parasitic programs will drive AntiSpyWare software revenues from $12 million in 2003 to $305 million in 2008.

I have always preferred calling it scumware -- much more... visceral. I spend a large amount of my time cleaning up the mess this stuff causes. I can warn the user about risky online behavior, but most of them don't "get it". I can come back in a few months and clean up the mess once more.